Craft Brew Asia is a Singapore registered society and a non-profit organisation run by a diverse and dedicated committee who will increase awareness of, assist and promote the full spectrum of the Craft Brew trade to similarly like-minded people and business.

Our membership and associates have interests stretching all the way across the Craft Brew chain from the start of the brewing process through to the responsible consumption of the end-product.

Asia Beer Championships 10th Anniversary 2024

The 10th year anniversary of the Asia Beer Championships came full circle to where it all started - Back in Singapore!

CBA contributed again this anniversary year - with Arthur Shu, Brett Pover, Danny Soh spending 2 days ploughing and judging through more than 100 beers, and Amanda Quan providing steady and seamless competition steward operations at the back of house.

The 2024 Awards took place a month later on 3rd October at Suntec City Convention Center

Branding designed by Dave Holland at Black Sheep Design. Craft Brew Asia is a Registered Society of Singapore (UEN: T05SS0059L)