Craft Brew Asia is a Singapore registered society and a non-profit organisation run by a diverse and dedicated committee who will increase awareness of, assist and promote the full spectrum of the Craft Brew trade to similarly like-minded people and business.

Our membership and associates have interests stretching all the way across the Craft Brew chain from the start of the brewing process through to the responsible consumption of the end-product.

Welcome to Craft Brew ASIA

Craft Brew Asia is a fully registered, not-for-profit society based in Singapore but with a Pan-Asia focusThe Craft Brew Club continues to evolve dynamically and under the guidance of the elected Committee, we strive to add value to all members and partners.  Our aim is to bring together all aspects of the Craft Beer spectrum and this is reflected through our diverse membership which includes home brewers, equipment suppliers, Craft Beer distributors and retail outlets. 


Our objective is to build, develop and expand the craft beer community in Singapore and beyond; to create and assist awareness across the entire spectrum of Craft Brew appreciation to similarly like-minded people and businesses in Singapore and across Asia.

As we make this next step of our evolution we remind ourselves that this is a members club, for the benefit and co-ordination of our members interests. The elected committee will always ensure that this focus remains at the forefront of their decision making.

Craft Brew Asia aims to be a one-stop, go-to hub for all genuine interests across the Craft Beer spectrumAs such, we aim to provide benefits to our members and partners in any way in which our network allows. This could translate to assisting with sourcing raw materials for the home-brewers, through to distribution assistance as well as retail advisory for new or existing outlets. We can even offer qualified judging solutions for contests and other general event assistance.


Singapore Mid 2004:

An enthusiastic group of home brewers came together and formed the 'Home Brew Club.' Their intention was to build a community around their love of beer and beer-making. They held their first meeting at Brewerkz, the club's first sponsor. Meeting monthly to share beers, homebrew recipes, tips and tricks; the club grew to twenty-nine members.

In 2005, the Club was officially registered with the Singapore Registry of Societies. This status helped the Club to grow further and quickly attracted a stable group of core sponsors. That same year, the Club embarked on its first international brewery visit to Length Dragon Brewery in Batam. Additional trips were organized both locally and internationally. In the end, brewery visits became a core activity of the club.

2006 was an evolutionary year for the Homebrew Club. Extending its focus beyond just brewing and moving into craft beer appreciation, the club started to appeal to a more diverse audience. Integrating craft beer appreciation such as style education, beer history, tasting techniques (look, sniff, sip), draft pouring techniques, and the craft beer trade in general allowed the club to grow further and spread its focus across the Asian region over the next few years.

By 2010, the the club had achieved the milestone of 100 active members and the membership continues to grow substantially to this day.

Currently we have a dedicated focus on bringing together and supporting all aspects of the Craft Brewing spectrum. The club now assists retail in their approach to their business, we partner with craft beer events to assist with their logistics and in 2015 we became the first Singapore organisation to partner with the  BJCP  for its globally recognised beer-judge training and qualification. We also provide demonstrations of brewing techniques and run community brew days to give members the opportunity to try brewing for themselves.

Please explore this website to find out more about us and the benefits of being a member or a partner of the club. Most importantly, you can sign up and be part of the biggest and fastest growing Craft Brew Society in Asia by visiting our Membership page.

Branding designed by Dave Holland at Black Sheep Design. Craft Brew Asia is a Registered Society of Singapore (UEN: T05SS0059L)